AP World History : Political and Governmental Structures 1900 to Present

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Example Question #1 : Political And Governmental Structures 1900 To Present

Which of these dictators was not the leader of a fascist movement?

Possible Answers:

Benito Mussolini

Josef Stalin

Francisco Franco 

Adolf Hitler

All of the above were Fascist leaders

Correct answer:

Josef Stalin


While Mussolini, Franco, and Hitler all followed Fascist doctrines, Stalin was a follower of communism. Fascism differs in that it promotes staunch nationalism and authoritarianism whereas communism deals with common ownership of property. European Fascism, especially in Italy, was, as opposed to Communism, tied to corporate business interests.

Example Question #2 : Political And Governmental Structures 1900 To Present

What is a junta? 

Possible Answers:

A style of dance developed by Mongolian nomads

A militant governing body typical of totalitarian states

A term used to describe the high priest of a polytheistic religion

A Mesoamerican people who were conquered in the 15th century

A term describing the evolution of societies from agrarian to industrial

Correct answer:

A militant governing body typical of totalitarian states


Juntas emerged as commonplace during the turbulent late 19th and early 20th century throughout the regime changes of Latin American powers. The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican people who were conquered in the 15th century. Since there have been many polytheistic religions, and most have featured high priests, there are many terms used to describe this position in various cultures, but "junta" is not one of them. Biyelgee is the most famous style of dance developed by Mongolian nomads.

Example Question #3 : Political And Governmental Structures 1900 To Present

Winston Churchill was the leader of which major world power during the Second World War?

Possible Answers:

United States


Nazi Germany

Soviet Union

United Kingdom

Correct answer:

United Kingdom


Assuming the office of Prime Minister in 1940 following the resignation of Neville Chamberlin, Winston Churchill was the primary leader of the United Kingdom during the war. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the leader of the United States. Josef Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union. Albert Francois Lebrun was the leader of the France at the time it surrendered to the Nazi forces. Charles de Gaulle was the leader of the Free French Forces and was considered (by the Allies) the leader in exile of France during the Nazi occupation.

Example Question #4 : Political And Governmental Structures 1900 To Present

Which of the following correctly lists the ideologies of the United States, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union during World War II (in that order)?

Possible Answers:

Communism, Socialism, Fascism

Capitalism, Fascism, Communism

Fascism, Communism, Capitalism

Socialism, Fascism, Communism

Capitalism, Communism, Fascism

Correct answer:

Capitalism, Fascism, Communism


During the World War II, The United States was the largest Capitalist state in the world. At the same time, Germany was run by an autocratic Fascist government in the form of the Nazi party. The Soviet Union also had an autocratic government, but one that ruled using Stalinist Communism as the state ideology.

Example Question #5 : Political And Governmental Structures 1900 To Present

Which of the following rulers was the last Tsar of Russia, ultimately executed along with his family during the Russian Revolution?

Possible Answers:

Ivan the Terrible

Nicholas II

Catherine the Great

Alexander I

Peter the Great

Correct answer:

Nicholas II


Tsar Nicholas II of Russia ruled during the last couple decades before World War I. During World War I, the increasingly worsening state of the country created a revolution, resulting in his overthrow and eventual execution by the Bolsheviks.

Example Question #141 : Political And Governmental Structures

Which modern nation was not a part of the USSR?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Bosnia was a part of Yugoslavia, but was never under the power of the USSR. It was an independent state before being annexed by Austria-Hungary and subsequently Yugoslavia. Bosnia regained independence in 1992. All of the other states declared independence from the USSR between 1990-1991 as it lost power, and subsequently dissolved.

Example Question #142 : Political And Governmental Structures

Following the Scramble for Africa, who was the dominant British Imperialist in Africa?

Possible Answers:

Percival Scott Beves

Albertus Johannes Werth

Sir Edmond Howard Lacam Gorges

Cecil Rhodes

Correct answer:

Cecil Rhodes


Rhodes fancied himself as a political titan due to his position as head of the South African Colony. He used the great resources of the colony to make himself obscenely rich. 

Example Question #8 : Political And Governmental Structures 1900 To Present

Who was the first leader of the USSR?

Possible Answers:

Josef Stalin

Konstantin Chernenko

Vladimir Lenin

Mikhail Gorbachev

Nikita Khrushchev

Correct answer:

Vladimir Lenin


Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks that ushered in the Russian revolution and subsequently formed the USSR in 1922. Stalin led the state from 1924-1953, Khrushchev from 1955-1964, Chernenko from 1984-1985, and Gorbachev from 1985-1991. The USSR was disbanded the day after Gorbachev left office.

Example Question #143 : Political And Governmental Structures

Which Egyptian President was able to take executive power back from the military, only to be forced out of office the next year for abusing his own presidential power?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



In the last several years, Egypt has undergone an extreme changes in politics and society. A series of protests became a revolution that forced Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign in early 2011. The Arab Spring had emerged in Egypt, and citizens began seeking more representation in government, an increase in civil rights and liberties, and not just deeper national pride, but regional pride as well.

Mubarak transferred power to the military after stepping down. The military held control through a series of changes in parliament and society until Muhammad Morsi won the presidential election of 2012. The military removed Morsi from power the next year due to massive abuses of power. Egypt was set to enter a new era while being swept in the cultural and political revolution of 2012, only Morsi became more of dictator than a president.

Example Question #10 : Political And Governmental Structures 1900 To Present

What is the name for the Israeli legislature elected by the people?

Possible Answers:

The People's Chamber

The Knesset

The Meretz

The Assembly of Israel

The National Caucus

Correct answer:

The Knesset


The Knesset is Israel's elected parliament, procedurally the center of Israeli political life. The Prime Minister holds the true authority in Israel, and he is appointed by the president; the president is chosen by the Knesset. The Knesset is based on a proportional representation system of government—this means that a variety of parties and interests can gain a seat in the Knesset.

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