Award-Winning Mandarin Chinese Lessons in Columbus, OH

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Get in touch with Varsity Tutors if you'd like top-notch Columbus Chinese lessons. Whether you are a high school student at Orange High School or another area secondary institution, an undergraduate at a local college like The Ohio State University, or simply an adult learner who wants to study Chinese, Chinese group lessons or private instruction can help you move forward in your studies. There are many adults who can benefit from Chinese lessons, and there are many reasons why you may want to study Chinese as an adult. If you are doing business with manufacturers or businessmen from China, you are involved in international trade, you work in the finance industry, or you travel to China or other Asian countries often, these language skills could be very helpful. Perhaps you simply want to challenge yourself, develop your thinking skills, open yourself up to new cultures, and learn about other ways of life. In all of these cases, Chinese lessons can help.

Chinese is the most popular language in the world. It is also a widely-spoken language in the United States. In fact, it is estimated that two million Americans speak various dialects of Chinese, especially Cantonese Chinese.

There are many different Chinese dialects. While Cantonese Chinese is popular among American Chinese speakers, Mandarin Chinese is the most common dialect. In fact, Mandarin Chinese is the official language of China as well as Taiwan. While many people in China speak dialects of Chinese other than Mandarin at home, most learn Mandarin Chinese at school.

What might I learn during my Columbus Chinese lessons?

Studying Chinese by yourself can be a daunting task. Both spoken Chinese and written Chinese are vastly different than English. Whether you are new to Chinese or you are a student at St. Francis De Sales High School, Otterbein University, or another school and you already have some Chinese studies under your belt, Columbus Chinese lessons or private language instruction can give you the opportunity to learn more of the language and practice your Chinese on a regular basis.

Your Chinese language instructor can focus on issues that are often the most difficult for native English speakers. Pronunciation is usually one of them. Not only are Chinese words pronounced in a unique way, but they also have tones that accompany them. Mandarin Chinese has four unique tones - rising, falling, falling then rising, and flat. The tone you pronounce your words with will determine their meaning.

Another thing English speakers often struggle with is written Chinese. Chinese is unique among modern languages in that it is a pictographic language. There is no alphabet like there is in English. There are tens of thousands of different characters, each one representing a different syllable and each one unrelated to the others. However, only a few thousand make up the majority of written Chinese.

Another issue native American speakers often struggle with is Chinese grammar. For example, there is no plural form in Chinese. All plural nouns are exactly the same as singular nouns.

If the classroom isn't your thing, you can also get private time with a Columbus Chinese tutor. There are many benefits to studying with a tutor. A private language instructor can develop a plan that helps you work towards specific academic goals. For example, you may be more interested in spoken Chinese than studying written Chinese. Perhaps you only want to converse with people you meet but never have a need to read or write Chinese, or perhaps you simply don't have the time to study both. With private language instruction, you can be set up with an instructor who has experience in the specific area you want to focus on (for example, written Chinese or ancient Chinese literature).

Your private academic instructor can also keep you on task to help you avoid non-productive behavior. This may include things that wouldn't have thought of. For example, you might be spending too much of your private studying time focusing on Chinese characters that are rarely used; your time might be better off studying the more common Chinese characters.

How can I take Columbus Chinese lessons?

Our Columbus lessons are administered over the internet. They take place in our virtual classroom in a group setting. You attend class just as you would in a physical classroom. You will be able to engage with the entire class, including the instructor. You can take these courses from anywhere as long as you are connected to the internet.

When you take Columbus group lessons, you can still request private time with your class instructor if you feel that you need it. We want to give students as many avenues as possible to further their Chinese education. This way, you can benefit from the atmosphere of class lessons and still be able to get some private instruction.

On the other hand, if you are more interested in studying with a private Columbus Chinese tutor, that is possible as well. You can study with your private instructor over the internet as well. You will be using our Live Learning Platform, which has useful tools such as video chatting and a virtual whiteboard. We realize that some students may prefer to meet their private instructor in person. That can be arranged as well. You can meet with your instructor at your house or any other public or private space that works for you.

What is the best way to get started with Columbus Chinese lessons?

If you want to learn more about taking classes and studying Chinese, get in touch with Varsity Tutors. Alternatively, if you are interested in studying with a private Columbus Chinese tutor, we're ready to help you as well. Our educational consultants can help you decide which class is best for you or whether private tutoring would better fit your particular needs. We understand that your schedule may be busy, so our educational consultants can work with you to help you find a class or tutoring sessions that fit into your schedule.

Contact us today to connect with a top Columbus Mandarin Chinese instructor