Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Adapted from "The Pig Brother" by Laura E. Richards (1908)

There was once a child who was untidy. He left his books on the floor, and his muddy shoes on the table; he put his fingers in the jam-pots, and spilled ink on his best pinafore; there was really no end to his untidiness.

One day the Tidy Angel came into his nursery.

“This will never do!” said the Angel. “This is really shocking. You must go out and stay with your brother while I set things to rights here.”

“I have no brother!” said the child.

“Yes, you have!” said the Angel. “You may not know him, but he will know you. Go out in the garden and watch for him, and he will soon come.”

“I don’t know what you mean!” said the child; but he went out into the garden and waited.

Presently a squirrel came along, whisking his tail.

“Are you my brother?” asked the child.

The squirrel looked him over carefully.

“Well, I should hope not!” he said. “My fur is neat and smooth, my nest is handsomely made, and in perfect order, and my young ones are properly brought up. Why do you insult me by asking such a question?”

He whisked off, and the child waited.

Presently a wren came hopping by.

“Are you my brother?” asked the child.

“No indeed!” said the wren. “What impertinence! You will find no tidier person than I in the whole garden. Not a feather is out of place, and my eggs are the wonder of all for smoothness and beauty. Brother, indeed!” He hopped off, ruffling his feathers, and the child waited.

By and by a large Tommy Cat came along.

“Are you my brother?” asked the child.

“Go and look at yourself in the glass,” said the Tommy Cat haughtily, “and you will have your answer. I have been washing myself in the sun all the morning, while it is clear that no water has come near you for a long time. There are no such creatures as you in my family, I am humbly thankful to say.”

He walked on, waving his tail, and the child waited.

Presently a pig came trotting along.

The child did not wish to ask the pig if he were his brother, but the pig did not wait to be asked.

“Hallo, brother!” he grunted.

“I am not your brother!” said the child.

“Oh, yes, you are!” said the pig. “I confess I am not proud of you, but there is no mistaking the members of our family. Come along, and have a good roll in the barnyard! There is some lovely black mud there.”

“I don’t like to roll in mud!” said the child.

“Tell that to the hens!” said the pig brother. “Look at your hands, and your shoes, and your pinafore! Come along, I say! You may have some of the pig-wash for supper, if there is more than I want.”

“I don’t want pig-wash!” said the child; and he began to cry.

Just then the Tidy Angel came out.

“I have set everything to rights,” she said, “and so it must stay. Now, will you go with the Pig Brother, or will you come back with me, and be a tidy child?”

“With you, with you!” cried the child; and he clung to the Angel’s dress.

The Pig Brother grunted.

“Small loss!” he said. “There will be all the more wash for me!” and he trotted on.

What do we learn about the boy from the text below?

"He left his books on the floor, and his muddy shoes on the table; he put his fingers in the jam-pots, and spilled ink on his best pinafore"

Possible Answers:

That he is smart

That he is messy

That he is clean

That he is funny

Correct answer:

That he is messy


The sentence provided in the question is describing a messy room and boy. He has things on his fingers, stuff laying on his floor that shouldn't be there, mud on his shoes, and stains on his clothes. These are all characteristics of someone that is messy. 

Example Question #2 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

The Game of Soccer

The History

The game of soccer started a very long time ago in another country, England. They named the sport of soccer, “football.” They called this game “football” because the players played the game on and with their feet. In America, we call the sport “soccer.” Although they may call it by different names, many people play the game of soccer all around the world.

The Teams

A soccer game has two teams. Each team has eleven players on the field at a time. One of those players is called the “goalie.” The goalie’s job is to stop the ball from going into the goal. The goalie is the only player that is able to touch the ball with his hands during a soccer game.

The Game

Most soccer games last 90 minutes and there is only one break in the middle of the game. During a soccer game, each team tries to kick the ball into the opposite team’s goal. Unlike many other sports, soccer games can end in a tie, meaning there might not be a winner or a loser after each game because each team has the same score.

Why was "The History" covered first in the text? 

Possible Answers:

Because it is the least interesting part of the text

Because it's how the sport began, so a text about the sport should start with the information

Because it is the most interesting part of the text

Because it's the section with the most information 

Correct answer:

Because it's how the sport began, so a text about the sport should start with the information


The structure of an information text, like the text in this question, is important. Because this text is informing the reader about soccer, the history of the sport should come first because that's where the sport began. It wouldn't make sense to talk about the rules of the game and the teams, and then introduce the sport. Therefore, the correct answer is "Because it's how the sport began and the introduction to the sport, so the text should start with this information". 

Example Question #3 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Which word does not belong with the others? 

Hint: Think of long and short vowels. 

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Let's start by saying each of the answer choices out loud:





Now, let's look at the vowels in each of the words. 





All of the vowels are the letter a, but do they all sound the same? No, they do not. 

Take, bake, and fate all have a long vowel sound.

Tad has a short vowel sound. Since only one of the words has a short vowel sound, that is the word that does not belong with the others. 

Example Question #4 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Which word does not belong with the others? 

Hint: Think of long and short vowels. 

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Let's start by saying each of the answer choices out loud:





Now, let's look at the vowels in each of the words. 





All of the vowels are the letter a, but do they all sound the same? No, they do not. 

Fit, sit, and win all have a short vowel sound.

Bite has a long vowel sound. Since only one of the words has a short vowel sound, that is the word that does not belong with the others. 

Example Question #5 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Fill in the blank. 

All of the girls that play soccer at my school are on the same __________. 

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The blank for this question is going to be filled in with a collective noun. A collective noun is a word the refers to a group. 

A group of people that play any sport together is known as a team. 

All of the girls that play soccer at my school are on the same team

Example Question #6 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Fill in the blank. 

My brother, sister, and I are in the same __________. 

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The blank for this question is going to be filled in with a collective noun. A collective noun is a word the refers to a group. 

A brother and sister are siblings, in the same family. 

My brother, sister, and I are in the same family. 

Example Question #7 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Fill in the blank. 

The drummer, guitarist, and singer all perform in the same ___________.

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The blank for this question is going to be filled in with a collective noun. A collective noun is a word the refers to a group. 

A drummer, guitarist, and singer are all musicians. Musicians perform in bands. 

Example Question #8 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Fill in the blank. 

The ____________ is made up of my family and friends watching me perform. 

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The blank for this question is going to be filled in with a collective noun. A collective noun is a word the refers to a group. 

People in an audience watch someone perform. 

Example Question #8 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Fill in the blank.

My dog had a ___________ of puppies. 

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The blank for this question is going to be filled in with a collective noun. A collective noun is a word the refers to a group. 

Dogs have litters of puppies. 

Example Question #6 : Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Fill in the blank.

There was a ___________ of bees above her head. 

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The blank for this question is going to be filled in with a collective noun. A collective noun is a word the refers to a group. 

A group of bees is a swarm. 

All Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts Resources

2 Diagnostic Tests 68 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept
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