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Free Intermediate Geometry Diagnostic Tests
Intermediate Geometry Diagnostic Test 1
Intermediate Geometry Diagnostic Test 2
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Free Intermediate Geometry Practice Tests
Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools free Intermediate Geometry Full-Length Practice Tests are a valuable resource for anyone looking to assess and improve their skills in the subject. From circles to lines of coordinate geometry, hexagons to equilateral triangles of plane geometry, and cubes to spheres of solid geometry, the Intermediate Geometry Learning Tools have you covered. With several full-length practice tests available in a variety of difficulty levels, you can begin your studies at the level that you feel most comfortable. Each test consists of 40 questions and is designed to test your knowledge on all of geometry’s essential concepts so you can determine your strengths and any areas that you may need to bone up on. Whether you need top Geometry tutors in Providence, Geometry tutors in Nashville, or top Geometry tutors in Salt Lake City, working with a pro may take your studies to the next level.
At the end of your Intermediate Geometry Practice Test, you will receive valuable feedback on your performance. You will be able to see the step-by-step solutions to every practice problem so that you may follow along in the solving process. This is especially helpful for understanding those questions that you answered incorrectly, because you are able to pinpoint the moment that your solving process went awry. The length of time that you took to solve each intermediate geometry practice problem will also be recorded so that you can see how you rank among previous test-takers. Each question allows you to dive further into the relevant concepts by choosing to review other example problems of the same variety. Varsity Tutors offers resources like free Intermediate Geometry Diagnostic Tests to help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider a Geometry tutor.
Once you have reviewed your practice test results, visit the other resources available on Varsity Tutors’ Intermediate Geometry Learning Tools to drill deeper into the concepts. The Learn by Concept Learning Tool allows you to view topics in a syllabus format to easily select the concepts in which you would like to increase your study efforts. In addition to the Intermediate Geometry Practice Tests and Geometry tutoring, you may also want to consider taking some of our Intermediate Geometry Flashcards. The Flashcards Learning Tool contains over 1,000 flashcards organized by subject to enhance quick study sessions. You can also create your own set of flashcards with the interactive flashcard builder. You may also want to check out the Question of the Day gives a quick review of concepts covered in intermediate geometry by providing a new question each day.
After reviewing the intermediate geometry example problems, flashcards, and Question of the Day, return to the one of hundreds of Intermediate Geometry Practice Tests that are organized by focus. Like the Full-Length Intermediate Geometry Practice Tests, the shorter practice tests are rated by difficulty, which allows you to choose a comfortable starting place. The shorter Intermediate Geometry Practice Tests are categorized by concept. After completing the test, you will receive the same valuable feedback as in the full-length tests. All practice tests shareable on social media, which makes it easy to engage in some competition with your study group or friends.
To bolster your understanding of the concepts as you study, take full advantage of the wide variety of free Intermediate Geometry Learning Tools. The powerful resources provided by Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools are meant to work with one another to provide an in-depth and comprehensive study guide to assist you as you work toward mastering tough subjects like intermediate geometry.
Practice Tests by Concept
Coordinate geometry practice test
intermediate_geometry-coordinate-geometryCircles practice test
intermediate_geometry-circlesHow to find the equation of a circle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-circleLines practice test
intermediate_geometry-linesDistance formula practice test
intermediate_geometry-distance-formulaHow to find the length of a line with distance formula practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-a-line-with-distance-formulaMidpoint formula practice test
intermediate_geometry-midpoint-formulaHow to find the endpoints of a line segment practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-endpoints-of-a-line-segmentHow to find the midpoint of a line segment practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-midpoint-of-a-line-segmentOther lines practice test
intermediate_geometry-other-linesHow to find out if a point is on a line with an equation practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-out-if-a-point-is-on-a-line-with-an-equationHow to find the equation of a line practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-lineHow to find the slope of a line practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-slope-of-a-lineParallel lines practice test
intermediate_geometry-parallel-linesHow to find out if lines are parallel practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-out-if-lines-are-parallelHow to find the equation of a parallel line practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-parallel-lineHow to find the slope of parallel lines practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-slope-of-parallel-linesPerpendicular lines practice test
intermediate_geometry-perpendicular-linesHow to find out if lines are perpendicular practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-out-if-lines-are-perpendicularHow to find the equation of a perpendicular line practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-perpendicular-lineHow to find the slope of a perpendicular line practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-slope-of-a-perpendicular-lineTangent lines practice test
intermediate_geometry-tangent-linesHow to find the equation of a tangent line practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-tangent-lineHow to find the slope of a tangent line practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-slope-of-a-tangent-lineX and y intercept practice test
intermediate_geometry-x-and-y-interceptHow to find the equation of a curve practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-curveHow to find x or y intercept practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-x-or-y-interceptPlane geometry practice test
intermediate_geometry-plane-geometryCircles practice test
intermediate_geometry-circlesChords practice test
intermediate_geometry-chordsHow to find the length of a chord practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-a-chordSectors practice test
intermediate_geometry-sectorsHow to find the angle for a percentage of a circle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-angle-for-a-percentage-of-a-circleHow to find the angle of a sector practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-angle-of-a-sectorHow to find the area of a sector practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-sectorHow to find the length of an arc practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-an-arcHow to find the percentage of a sector from an angle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-percentage-of-a-sector-from-an-angleHexagons practice test
intermediate_geometry-hexagonsHow to find an angle in a hexagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-hexagonHow to find the area of a hexagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-hexagonHow to find the length of the diagonal of a hexagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-diagonal-of-a-hexagonHow to find the length of the side of a hexagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-hexagonHow to find the perimeter of a hexagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-hexagonPentagons practice test
intermediate_geometry-pentagonsHow to find an angle in a pentagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-pentagonHow to find the area of a pentagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-pentagonHow to find the length of the diagonal of a pentagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-diagonal-of-a-pentagon_aaHow to find the length of the side of a pentagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-pentagonHow to find the perimeter of a pentagon practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-pentagonQuadrilaterals practice test
intermediate_geometry-quadrilateralsKites practice test
intermediate_geometry-kitesHow to find if kites are similar practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-kites-are-similarHow to find the length of the side of a kite practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-kiteHow to find the length of the side of a kite practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-kiteHow to find the perimeter of kite practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-kiteParallelograms practice test
intermediate_geometry-parallelogramsHow to find an angle in a parallelogram practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-parallelogramHow to find if parallelograms are similar practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-parallelograms-are-similarHow to find the area of a parallelogram practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-parallelogramHow to find the length of the diagonal of a parallelogram practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-diagonal-of-a-parallelogramHow to find the length of the side of a parallelogram practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-parallelogramHow to find the perimeter of a parallelogram practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-parallelogramRhombuses practice test
intermediate_geometry-rhombusesHow to find an angle in a rhombus practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-rhombusHow to find if rhombuses are similar practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-rhombuses-are-similar_aaHow to find the length of the side of a rhombus practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-rhombusHow to find the perimeter of a rhombus practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-rhombusTrapezoids practice test
intermediate_geometry-trapezoidsHow to find an angle in a trapezoid practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-trapezoidHow to find if trapezoids are similar practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-trapezoids-are-similar_aaHow to find the length of the side of a trapezoid practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-trapezoidHow to find the length of the side of a trapezoid practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-trapezoidHow to find the perimeter of a trapezoid practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-trapezoidTriangles practice test
intermediate_geometry-trianglesAcute / obtuse isosceles triangles practice test
intermediate_geometry-acute-obtuse-isosceles-trianglesHow to find an angle in an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-an-angle-in-an-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangleHow to find if of acute / obtuse isosceles triangle are similar practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-of-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangle-are-similar_aaHow to find if of acute / obtuse isosceles triangles are congruent practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-of-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangles-are-congruent_aaHow to find the area of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-area-of-an-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangleHow to find the height of of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-height-of-of-an-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangleHow to find the length of the side of of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-of-an-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangleAcute / obtuse triangles practice test
intermediate_geometry-acute-obtuse-trianglesHow to find an angle in an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-an-angle-in-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find if acute / obtuse triangles are congruent practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-acute-obtuse-triangles-are-congruent_aaHow to find if two acute / obtuse triangles are similar practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-if-two-acute-obtuse-triangles-are-similarHow to find the area of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-area-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the height of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-height-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the length of the hypotenuse of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-hypotenuse-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the length of the side of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the perimeter of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleEquilateral triangles practice test
intermediate_geometry-equilateral-trianglesHow to find the area of an equilateral triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-area-of-an-equilateral-triangleHow to find the height of an equilateral triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-height-of-an-equilateral-triangleHow to find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-an-equilateral-triangleHow to find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-an-equilateral-triangleSolid geometry practice test
intermediate_geometry-solid-geometryCubes practice test
intermediate_geometry-cubesHow to find the diagonal of a cube practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-diagonal-of-a-cubeHow to find the length of an edge of a cube practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-an-edge-of-a-cubeHow to find the surface area of a cube practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-cubeHow to find the volume of a cube practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-cubeCylinders practice test
intermediate_geometry-cylindersHow to find the surface area of a cylinder practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-cylinderHow to find the volume of a cylinder practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-cylinderPrisms practice test
intermediate_geometry-prismsHow to find the diagonal of a prism practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-diagonal-of-a-prismHow to find the length of an edge of a prism practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-length-of-an-edge-of-a-prismHow to find the surface area of a prism practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-prismHow to find the volume of a prism practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-prismSpheres practice test
intermediate_geometry-spheresHow to find the diameter of a sphere practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-diameter-of-a-sphereHow to find the radius of a sphere practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-radius-of-a-sphereHow to find the surface area of a sphere practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-sphereHow to find the volume of a sphere practice test
intermediate_geometry-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-sphereAll Intermediate Geometry Resources
Certified Tutor
Certified Tutor
All Intermediate Geometry Resources