Varsity Tutors always has a different SAT II Literature Question of the Day ready at your disposal! If you’re just looking to get a quick review into your busy day, our SAT II Literature Question of the Day is the perfect option. Answer enough of our SAT II Literature Question of the Day problems and you’ll be ready to ace the next test. Check out what today’s SAT II Literature Question of the Day is below.

Question of the Day: SAT II Literature

All that day the heat was terrible. The wind blew close to the ground; it rooted among the tussock grass, slithered along the road, so that the white pumice dust swirled in our faces, settled and sifted over us and was like a dry-skin itching for growth on our bodies. The  horses stumbled along, coughing and chuffing. The pack horse was sick -- with a big open sore rubbed under the belly. Now and again she stopped short, threw back her head, looked at us as though she were going to cry, and whinnied. Hundreds of larks shrilled; the sky was slate colour, and the sound of the larks reminded me of slate pencils scraping over its surface. There was nothing to be seen but wave after wave of tussock grass, patched with purple orchids and manuka bushes covered with thick spider webs. 


Jo rode ahead. He wore a blue galatea shirt, corduroy trousers and riding boots. A white handkerchief, spotted with red -- it looked as though his nose had been bleeding on it -- was knotted round his throat.Wisps of white hair straggled from under his wideawake -- his moustache and eyebrows were called white -- he slouched in the saddle, grunting. Not once that day had he sung "I don't care, for don't you see, My wife' mother was in front  of me!... ” It was the first day we had been without it for a month, and now there seemed something uncanny in his silence. Hin rode beside me, white as a clown; his black eyes glittered, and he kept shooting out his tongue and moistening his lips. He was dressed in a Jaeger vest, and a pair of blue duck trousers, fastened round the waist with a plaited leather belt. We had hardly spoken since dawn. At noon we had lunched off fly biscuits and apricots by the side of a swampy creek.  


Based on context clues, a "wideawake" is a type of ___________________.





Riding boot

When applying to universities, it is imperative that you understand the requirement involved. Each institute had their own set of needs that must be included along with your application. Without follow through, it is possible your application with either be overlooked or pushed back. Today, many universities require students to not only submit their scores from the SAT or ACT, but also from up to three different SAT Subject Tests. These Subject Tests cover a variety of topics to give the admissions staff a general idea of your strengths. If you are serious about Literature, consider taking the SAT II Literature Subject Test. This exam is broken down into 60 multiple-choice questions designed to showcase your talents in this area. Not only can this test improve your application, but it can also possibly lead to your admission into higher level programs. As such, it is important that you put your best foot forward on the day of the test.

Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offer a range of free daily test review materials for your use. Each tool offers its own unique take on the SAT II Subject Test in Literature, from aiding in memorization to providing a mock examination. Learning Tools Flashcards, Learn by Concept, Practice Tests, and Question of the Day can be used independently or combined for a full SAT II Literature Subject Test review.

Question of the Day is a Learning Tool designed to supplement your current study methods. The problems provided by this tool will give you a better insight into what you should expect to see on the SAT II Literature Subject Test. This exam will test your knowledge on American, British, and other forms of literature composed in the English language. You will be expected to utilize basic literary terms and concepts as you read through prose, poetry, and dramatic works from the 17th century and beyond.

Using Question of the Day is easy. Each day, you will login to view a newly selected problem reminiscent to those found on the actual examination. After carefully selecting an answer, you will be granted access to information that can assist you with developing your skills. Each question, regardless of how it was answered, is followed up with an explanation and a deeper look into the featured concept. Similar questions are also provided for you to view and work through. With Question of the Day, you have the ability to keep your progress in check. By reviewing past questions you have worked with, keeping track of your speed, and checking in with your correct-to-incorrect ratio, you can better determine the areas that need the most of your attention. Question of the Day also provides you with the tools to compare your progress to that of others. Discover many students have answered the question correctly and where you place on a percentile ranking. As you continue to solve problems, you will gain a better insight into your own abilities. To get the most out of Question of the Day, it is highly encouraged that you participate regularly.

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