SAT II US History : U.S. Foreign Policy from Pre-Columbian History to 1789

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Cause And Effect In U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

The event known as the Boston Tea Party was in response to __________.

Possible Answers:

increased imposition of taxes on the American colonies by the British Parliament

a limit on the amount of tea being imported into the American colonies

increased stationing of British troops in the American colonies as peacekeepers

increased militia building among the American colonies

easing of regulations on tea and other products by the British Parliament

Correct answer:

increased imposition of taxes on the American colonies by the British Parliament


The Boston Tea Party was a protest conducted by citizens of Massachusetts in Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773. In response to increased taxes and tariffs, particularly on tea, many colonists took to organizing opposition to Parliament's acts. After the Tea Act, which raised duties on tea, the most popular drink on both sides of the Atlantic, some of the leading citizens of Boston boarded ships carrying tea and dumped it overboard into Boston Harbor. This act became infamous, but was only one of many protests to a variety of taxes and tariffs. All of these led towards the American Revolution.

Example Question #2 : Cause And Effect In U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

On September 3rd, 1783, ______________ officially ended the American Revolutionary War.

Possible Answers:

The Battle of Yorktown

The Treaty of Paris

The Siege of Charleston

The Battle of New Orleans

The Treaty of Ghent

Correct answer:

The Treaty of Paris


Although the Battle of Yorktown was the last major land battle of the Revolutionary War, it was the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783 that officialy ended the war between the new United States of America and Great Britain.

Example Question #1 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

The Battle of New Orleans, a victory by General Andrew Jackson over British troops, occurred during which conflict?

Possible Answers:

The Mexican-America War

The War of 1812

The War of Jenkins' Ear

The American Revolution

The Seven Years' War

Correct answer:

The War of 1812


The Battle of New Orleans was fought in 1815, during the War of 1812.  The battle actually was the last battle of the conflict, and was fought after the Treaty of Ghent officially ended the War.  Another clue in this question is that Andrew Jackson was the General in command, where the Mexican-American War was fought after he was President, and the other answer choices are Wars fought before Jackson even served in the Army.

Example Question #2 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

Which country did not send significant troops to support the American Revolution?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



At the time of the American Revolution, Mexico was not yet an independent nation, but was still under the direct control of Spain.  Many Europeans came to America to support the colonists' cause, however, including the Marquis de Lafayette of France, Theodore Kosciuszko and Casimir Pulaski of Poland, and Bernardo de Galvez of Spain.  Germans fought on both sides of the American Revolution in different capacities.

Example Question #3 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

Pieter Stuyvesant was the colonial governor for the predecessor of which modern American state?

Possible Answers:



North Carolina


New York

Correct answer:

New York


New York was founded by the Dutch in 1614 as New Amsterdam, and fully settled by the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1621.  All of the other answer choices were colonies founded by the English.  The best clue to the correct answer is the name Pieter Stuyvesant, which should indicate the correct answer will be a non-English settlement.

Example Question #4 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

Which two European countries contributed significant financial support to America’s Revolutionary War campaign?

Possible Answers:

Portugal and Spain

Holland and France

Holland and Spain

Portugal and Sweden

Spain and France 

Correct answer:

Spain and France 


Spain and France were regional and global rivals to the British Empire at the time of the Revolutionary War. France, in particular, required little convincing to provide financial support to the colonial revolution. As the war progressed and it became clearer that the Americans could, and probably would, emerge victorious, France began to contribute more and more to the Revolutionary cause. They sent out military tacticians and generals to assist in training, discipline and strategy. They provided arms and ships. And eventually joined the war effort and helped end the war with the assistance of their navy. 

Example Question #5 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

The part of the United States government that is allowed to declare war according to the Constitution is __________

Possible Answers:

the President of the United States.

the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States.

the Defense Department.

the Executive Branch.

the Congress of the United States.

Correct answer:

the Congress of the United States.


The Consitution enumerates multiple powers given explictly to Congress in Article One, that are not given to the other branches of the government. Among these is the specific power to declare war on behalf of the United States Government. Despite this, the President is Commander in Chief of the United States military, and is in charge of the military in any conflict.

Example Question #6 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

In Paris, on February 6th, 1778, the United States of America signed a treaty of alliance with which European country?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



In Paris, on February 6th, 1778, the United States of America signed a treaty of alliance with France, promising military support for the U.S., in the face of British attacks. It is known as the Treaty of Allliance with France.

Example Question #7 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

The first English colony attempted to be settled in America was __________.

Possible Answers:




St. Augustine


Correct answer:



In 1583, Queen Elizabeth I of England decided to begin colonizing North America, particularly because rivals France and Spain had already established settlements of their own. Sir Walter Raleigh, one of Elizabeth's favorites and noted landowner in Ireland, was given charge of settling Virginia, then considered a broad swath of the middle of the continent, and founded a settlement called Roanoke. The colony was star-crossed, however, and when Raleigh returned to check on it in 1587, no trace of the colony could be found. Permanent, lasting English settlement was not achieved until 1603 at Jamestown, north of the Roanoke site.

Example Question #8 : U.S. Foreign Policy From Pre Columbian History To 1789

Which of the following original colonies was settled last?

Possible Answers:





North Carolina

Correct answer:



Georgia was founded in 1733, years after all of the other colonies that would eventually make up the United States of America in 1776.  Georgia was founded as a refuge for debtors and as a barrier between the existing colonies and the Spanish presence in Florida.

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