Award-Winning Philosophy Tutors

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Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

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Private Philosophy Tutoring Near You

Receive personally tailored Philosophy lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Philosophy Tutoring FAQ

Varsity Tutors can help you get more out of your philosophy course by helping you connect with a highly qualified philosophy tutor. Philosophy tutors can provide you with a unique academic advantage in a challenging subject area, personalized instruction. Personalized tutoring is an invaluable resource for those who are finding the subject matter challenging and for those who are thriving in their class and want to explore topics in more depth. Continue reading for more information on how philosophy tutoring can benefit you.

What is Philosophy?

4.9/5.0 Satisfaction Rating*

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Recent Philosophy Tutoring Session Notes

Online Philosophy Tutoring review by Neil
The student and I worked through her final paper outline during our session today. We approached organization and general writing tips first--the need to explore rather than state factual answers, the need to approach issues from several angles, and the need to be as clear and concise as possible, avoiding florid prose. I also helped clarify some of the issues the student was having with understanding Hume's approach to taste and aesthetics. I greatly enjoy working with the student and look forward to our next session.
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Online Philosophy Tutoring review by Hannah
We went over the structure of a philosophy paper, and how to organize the introduction and body paragraphs in a way that was clear and adhered to the philosophical writing approach. There were two essay prompts centering around the topic of organ procurement, and each prompt contained four questions to answer. The student wrote an outline for each essay prompt, and we walked through and discussed and fleshed out her ideas. I felt that this session was successful. The student is a good writer, she just needed help with making her arguments using a more philosophical writing approach. I look forward to working with her again if she ever needs help.
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Online Philosophy Tutoring review by Eleanor
Went over categorical propositions, including how to break them down into type, what is distributed and draw a Venn diagram. Gave her several example problems to practice with. We then discussed the square of opposition and how to break it down so that it is helpful rather than confusing. At the end of the review, we began going over syllogisms, their figures and their moods.
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Online Philosophy Tutoring review by Robert
The student and I discussed his Ethics and Philosophy final. We started with a discussion of the Existentialists (Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Nietzsche), then we discussed compassion, justice, courage, and gratitude. This discussion focused on modern philosophers (Foote, Branch, and others). We also discussed some Chinese philosophers (Mencius and Confucius) and ended the discussion on cruelty.
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Online Philosophy Tutoring review by Cheryl
We worked on a philosophy essay that is due Feb 18, discussing what the teacher was asking, how to think about answering, and how to organize her essay. We did the very basics of an outline of her thinking on the subject. Our next meeting will be working on refining and smoothing the essay.
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Online Philosophy Tutoring review by Dustin
Today we went over the next two weeks' schedule. We have back to back tests and several papers, but he has an easy week to start prepping. I took time to create a quiz set for him, with 31 items to study for his test next week.
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Varsity Tutors can help you learn more during your philosophy class by connecting you with skilled philosophy tutors. The personalized instruction available with philosophy tutoring can give you a powerful learning advantage in a difficult subject. Working with a personal instructor is an invaluable resource for students who are struggling with the subject and for those who are flourishing in the field and want to explore specific topics further. Keep reading to learn more about the subject and how working directly with a philosophy tutor can help you maximize your study efforts.

What is Philosophy?

Most people believe that the way they see the world, and reality is the way everyone else sees it, or it's at least how everyone else should see reality. The study of philosophy requires students to move beyond their personal experience of reality and the world around them and be willing to think critically about all aspects of what they perceive. One's immediate environment, society, time, the nature of the universe, and even the underpinnings of reality. Philosophical studies ask you to be curious about everything and ultimately encourage you to question what you believe you know to be true. Because it is difficult to set aside personal history and beliefs in an effort to explore the possibility of another way of understanding the world, a philosophical study can be very challenging for many students. Lessons with a philosophy tutor can make it easier to work through any difficulties by giving you the opportunity to focus intensely on topics and concepts that have proven to be more challenging. By dissecting the arguments, it may be possible to understand a philosophical point of view without agreeing that it is ultimately correct.

Working with a philosophy tutor can help students integrate concepts that, upon first glance are so foreign to one's own way of thinking as to seem wrong. Philosophy tutoring gives you space to set aside your individual judgments and beliefs of what is right or wrong and move instead to curiosity. Rather than looking for how opposing philosophical schools of thought support or undermine your personal beliefs, you can begin question how those other systems of understanding were created. You will also be able to work towards understanding how various philosophers defended their philosophies from an objective point of view rather than one that is purely subjective.

One of the things that make the study of philosophy so fascinating is how different systems can be based on the location and time of their creation. Instead of categorizing some as good and others as bad, philosophical studies ask us to evaluate what about these positions appealed to the population. It's crucial to understand the philosophical underpinnings of a culture in order to have context and understanding of the people and events of historical periods. Failing to do so imposes modern morality and philosophy on those people and periods of time, which can make it difficult to understand the intrinsic motivations of individuals and the collective.

What are a few of the advantages of studying philosophy?

Just because you are taking a course in philosophy doesn't mean you are necessarily a philosophy student or even in a class you would have chosen had it not been required. If this sounds like you, you may be looking for motivation to help bolster your interest in the class.

The abilities you acquire from studying various schools of philosophy are as essential as the philosophical principles. The study of philosophy will open your mind and give you a new perspective in all aspects of your life. It may cause you to question things you've always taken for granted, and it can give you greater insight into the origins of various customs, beliefs, and social norms. Some of the specific benefits of studying philosophy are listed below.

  • Develop logical thinking abilities
  • Understand the relationships between people and views of the past
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills
  • Greater insight into the thoughts of others
  • Increased capacity to evaluate solutions
  • Enhanced independent thinking skills
  • Develop communication skills
  • Discover the origins of concepts and ideas you experience daily
  • Increased perspective

What is Involved in Earning a Philosophy Degree?

Once you have taken a philosophy class, you may discover you want to pursue a career in the field or one that leverages the understanding and implementation of philosophical principles. If you're going to pursue a philosophy degree, there are several classes you may be required to take. A philosophy tutor can help you with many of the courses associated with a degree in philosophy. The following list will give you an outline of some of the classes and topics you may encounter in pursuit of a philosophy degree.

  • Propositional logic
  • Elementary Logic
  • Epistemology
  • Aesthetics
  • Mathematical Logic
  • Applied ethics
  • Symbolic Logic
  • Professional ethics
  • Metaphysics
  • Research ethics
  • Ethics of artificial intelligence
  • History of Ancient Philosophy
  • Medical ethics
  • Aesthetics
  • Business ethics
  • Modern Philosophy
  • Bioethics
  • Political Philosophy
  • Existentialism
  • Predicate logic
  • Modern Ethical Theories
  • Classical Philosophers
  • Philosophy of mathematics
  • Philosophy and Literature
  • Eastern philosophy
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Ontology
  • Language and Meaning
  • Theory of Knowledge
  • Modal logic
  • Sophism
  • Epicureanism
  • Platonism

Don't worry if you don't see the specific subject or topic you need help within the list above; philosophy tutors aren't limited to the items above or even your course curriculum.

How is philosophy tutoring different from taking a philosophy class?

Working with a personal philosophy instructor is very different from taking a philosophy class. When you're in a classroom setting, your teacher must follow a prescribed curriculum to ensure you are presented with the information outlined in the course description and syllabus. Many college classes are used as a foundation for future courses and failing to provide a solid foundation in support of those future classes would be detrimental to the department. Because of this, professors usually fall into a rhythm of teaching. Unfortunately, their style of teaching will inevitably be incompatible with the learning style of some of their students.

With a private instructor, this is not an issue, as they can make it a priority to get to know each student personally. This may allow them to discover your learning style, educational goals, academic strengths, academic weaknesses, and even your personal preferences and interests outside of academia. With this information, your tutor can create a program of study that is designed to make the content more personally accessible for you. Whether this means presenting the information in a new way, finding different resource material for you to pursue, or discussing the concepts in greater depth will depend on your academic style and learning needs.

Another difference between your interactions in a classroom and with your instructor is in their personal availability to you. When you are at a school, your teacher must not only deliver all of the content, but they must also try to anticipate and meet the learning needs of each of the students. Depending on the size of the class, this could be dozens or hundreds of other students vying for a professor's time. When working one-on-one with a philosophy tutor, you will have their undivided attention. You can ask questions and receive direct real-time feedback at any point in the session, so you gain clarity around topics more quickly.

One thing many students don't realize about the study of philosophy is the amount of writing that is often required. Your professor may require in-depth research papers or essays as part of your coursework. Your private instructor can help you work on these projects by reviewing your work, helping you identify avenues of research, or even helping you to refine your outline.

How can I get started with philosophy tutoring?

There are two ways you can engage with philosophy tutors; in person or online. Both formats give you the same personalized instruction, individual attention, and academic support outlined above. With both options, you can meet with your instructor face-to-face. In person, you would choose a convenient location for your sessions. If you decide to meet your instructor online, you would need a digital device and a stable internet connection. Then you can log on from wherever you happen to be and meet with your instructor via our Live Learning Platform. Using this method places your instructor in front of you, just like they were sitting across from you.

The main difference between the two is in scheduling flexibility. If you want to meet with someone in person, the number of instructors will be limited, and that can reduce the times and dates you can schedule a session. When you choose a digital encounter, you have a much wider pool from which to choose, and that can make it easier to schedule more popular or irregular session times.

Varsity Tutors can help you easily connect with highly qualified philosophy tutors in person or online. If you're ready to fully explore the depth and beauty of various philosophies, let Varsity Tutors help you connect with a private instructor quickly and easily. Contact the experts at Varsity Tutors today to get started quickly.