Award-Winning German Courses & Classes in Chicago, IL

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Choose a Chicago German course offered by Varsity Tutors for a deeper understanding of this interesting language. Many students choose to learn German to satisfy language requirements in their university programs, such as those at the University of Chicago. In addition, many high school students choose to start learning German from an earlier age, giving them a massive advantage when it comes time to apply to various postsecondary institutions. Many other students choose to learn German out of purely personal interest or to prepare for a trip through Europe, since there are native German speakers throughout Europe in nations such as Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and a region of Italy called South Tyrol. You might also be interested in establishing business connections in these nations through your professional career.

What Might A Chicago German Course Cover?

Your Chicago German course will take you on a journey deep into the German language, covering a wide range of important concepts and topics. For English speakers, the German language is considered relatively straightforward, at least compared to languages like Chinese and Russian. The alphabet is almost identical, and both English and German are part of the same general language family. There are quite a few different German dialects throughout Europe, and these dialects are split across 90 million native German speakers. For the most part, the German language is divided into two main dialects: High German and Low German, with High German being used for academic, administrative, and media purposes. You'll focus more on High German in your studies, as this is considered a more universal language used in academics and education.

Although English and German are part of the same family, there are some notable differences. German uses a three-gendered system, and its nouns might be masculine, feminine, or neuter. This language also places a notable emphasis on inflections, and there are many inflection systems to memorize. Gender impacts inflections, but so does the case. There are four cases in German: nominative, accusative, genitive, and dative. You also need to change the inflection based on whether the noun is singular or plural.

You'll also need to learn how to conjugate verbs in German, as this language uses a unique conjugation system. Conjugation falls under three classes: weak, strong, and mixed. These are only a few examples of what you'll learn in your German course, and there are many other important concepts you'll cover. Your instructor will help you learn a wide range of common phrases that might help your German conversation skills. You'll also learn how to structure your German sentences, and how to use proper grammar. The correct pronunciation is also important to learn, as this is quite different compared to English. Unique letters of the German alphabet might be confusing, such as the "ezzet", which is also known as a sharp S. This letter is represented by the "ß" character. As you progress through various learning sessions, you'll start to build up your vocabulary and become more confident with the German language.

How Does A Chicago German Course Help You Learn?

Each Chicago German course takes place in a fully virtual environment. You can access these virtual classrooms from anywhere in the world, and they're actually not all that different compared to a regular classroom setting. You can ask questions, interact with your fellow students, and voice your opinion. Group-based, collaborative learning systems have proven to be an effective way to learn languages. You'll have tons of opportunities to practice your spoken German with classmates. Knowledgeable German experts will lead your studies, and these professionals all go through rigorous vetting before they're chosen. Even though these courses are group-based, you can still contact your instructor on a one-on-one basis if you like.

How Do You Sign Up For A Chicago German Class?

With so many flexible scheduling options, signing up for a Chicago German class is a breeze. Choose from either a two-week class or a four-week course. Next, pick from night classes, weekend classes, and a wide range of other time slots. If you only have a few extra hours in your busy academic or professional schedule, we can still find a class that works for you. And with new classes starting up every month, you'll never have to wait long.

Don't hesitate for another moment. Call Varsity Tutors, and choose a learning system with unique benefits and real flexibility. Our educational consultants can help you pick a Chicago German class that works for you so you can get started on your path towards learning German in no time.

Contact us today to connect with a top Chicago German instructor