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All MCAT Physical Resources
MCAT Physical Sciences Section
What does the MCAT Physical Sciences section cover?
The MCAT Physical Sciences section can be broken into two generalized categories: general chemistry and physics. When taking this section, test takers are often presented with passages that provide highly specific details about complex chemical processes or physical systems. Questions then require test takers to integrate the provided specific information with generalized physical science concepts to draw conclusions. Material in this section includes reaction chemistry, reaction thermodynamics and kinetics, experimental procedure, mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves, and optics. A periodic table is provided for this section, but all equations and formulas must be memorized. Passages will occasionally provide equations, but external applications will be required. Whether you need top MCAT tutors in New York, MCAT tutors in Chicago, or top MCAT tutors in Los Angeles, working with a pro may take your studies to the next level.
How many problems are on the MCAT Physical Sciences section, and how much time do I have to complete them?
The MCAT Physical section consists of 52 questions. 70 minutes are allotted for this section. Approximately 40 to 45 questions will be based on passages, and the remaining questions are stand-alone questions that do not provide background information.
Should I guess on the MCAT Physical Sciences section?
There is no guessing penalty on the MCAT. Scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly, and are not affected by questions skipped or answered incorrectly. It is a good strategy to answer every question on the exam, even if you must guess.
What kinds of problems are on the MCAT Physical Sciences section?
Questions in the MCAT Physical Sciences section can be passage-based or discrete. Discrete questions will generally be straightforward, asking about concepts or conclusions based on one to two sentences of prelude material. Passage-based questions vary in content and structure. Some passages provide information about certain processes, while others provide experimental setups or data for analysis. Be prepared to identify new information that is provided in the passages and draw connections to your experiences with college coursework and material. Many questions will require application of general chemical and physical concepts to specific scenarios described in the passages.
How should I study for the MCAT Physical Sciences section?
Use these MCAT Physical Sciences Questions of the Day to practice MCAT Physical Sciences problems and get a sense of which chemistry and physics concepts you know well, and which ones you need to learn. The Question of the Day may be either both passage-based or discrete to help you become familiar with testing format over time. You can use this tool to help identify specific subjects for review, allowing you to focus your studying and improve your MCAT mastery. Varsity Tutors offers resources like free MCAT Physical Sciences Diagnostic Tests to help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider an MCAT Physical Sciences tutor.
You can also use Varsity Tutors’ other free MCAT Physical Sciences resources to help you study, such free MCAT Physical Sciences Practice Tests, and free MCAT Physical Sciences Questions of the Day. Our free MCAT Biology resources are written by teachers, professors, content specialists, and tutors. Explanations are given for each question, so if you miss a question, you can find out where you went wrong. In addition to the MCAT Physical Sciences Practice Tests and MCAT Physical Sciences tutoring, you may also want to consider using some of our MCAT Physical Sciences flashcards.
How can I prepare for the MCAT Physical Sciences section?
There are several Full-Length MCAT Physical Sciences Practice Tests available through Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools. These complete practice tests can help you get a good idea of your current level of readiness. The full-length format of these free online practice tests may assist you in fine-tuning your test-taking speed, so you can be sure you’ll have enough time to finish the whole section on test day. The free practice tests also enable you to put together a review plan that meets your needs. The complete practice tests’ results pages show you which concepts you already understand, and which concepts could use further review. The results page also offers many other study resources, such as step-by-step explanations of the correct answers and links to further review on key concepts. Once you’ve done a thorough run-through of your study plan, you can assess your newfound skills by taking another Full-Length MCAT Physical Sciences Practice Test to evaluate your progress. There are also other free MCAT Physical Sciences Practice Tests that consist of a concept-specific selection of 10 to 12 questions to give you a cross-section of topics from the Physical Sciences section of the official MCAT. You might think of them as little quizzes, which you can use to hone your skills.
Free MCAT Physical Practice Tests
Practice Tests by Concept
Biochemistry, organic chemistry, and other concepts practice test
mcat_physical-zbiochemistry-organic-chemistry-and-other-conceptsEnzymes practice test
mcat_physical-enzymesClassifications of enzymes practice test
mcat_physical-classifications-of-enzymesInhibition and inhibitors practice test
mcat_physical-inhibition-and-inhibitorsMacromolecules practice test
mcat_physical-macromoleculesCarbohydrates practice test
mcat_physical-carbohydratesDisaccharides, polysaccharides, and glycosidic linkages practice test
mcat_physical-disaccharides-polysaccharides-and-glycosidic-linkagesLipids practice test
mcat_physical-lipidsStructural lipids practice test
mcat_physical-structural-lipidsProteins practice test
mcat_physical-proteinsAmino acids and classification practice test
mcat_physical-amino-acids-and-classificationPhysical chemistry practice test
mcat_physical-physical-chemistryElectrochemistry practice test
mcat_physical-electrochemistryBatteries practice test
mcat_physical-batteriesElectrolytic cells practice test
mcat_physical-electrolytic-cellsHalf reactions and reduction potential practice test
mcat_physical-half-reactions-and-reduction-potentialOther electrochemical principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-electrochemical-principlesOxidation-reduction in electrochemistry practice test
mcat_physical-oxidation-reduction-in-electrochemistryVoltaic/galvanic cells practice test
mcat_physical-voltaic-galvanic-cellsPhase changes practice test
mcat_physical-phase-changesPhase diagrams practice test
mcat_physical-phase-diagramsStates of matter practice test
mcat_physical-states-of-matterThermodynamics of phase changes practice test
mcat_physical-thermodynamics-of-phase-changesReaction kinetics practice test
mcat_physical-reaction-kineticsCatalysts, transition states, and activation energy practice test
mcat_physical-catalysts-transition-states-and-activation-energyFactors affecting reaction rate practice test
mcat_physical-factors-affecting-reaction-rateReaction rate and rate laws practice test
mcat_physical-reaction-rate-and-rate-lawsThermochemistry and energetics practice test
mcat_physical-thermochemistry-and-energeticsEndergonic and exergonic reactions practice test
mcat_physical-endergonic-and-exergonic-reactionsEndothermic and exothermic reactions practice test
mcat_physical-endothermic-and-exothermic-reactionsEnergetics of biological reactions and atp practice test
mcat_physical-energetics-of-biological-reactions-and-atpEnthalpy practice test
mcat_physical-enthalpyEntropy practice test
mcat_physical-entropyGibbs free energy practice test
mcat_physical-gibbs-free-energyLaws of thermodynamics practice test
mcat_physical-laws-of-thermodynamicsOther thermodynamic principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-thermodynamic-principlesThermodynamic systems and calorimetry practice test
mcat_physical-thermodynamic-systems-and-calorimetryPurification techniques practice test
mcat_physical-purification-techniquesDistillation practice test
mcat_physical-distillationElectrophoresis practice test
mcat_physical-electrophoresisThin-layer chromatography practice test
mcat_physical-thin-layer-chromatographySpectroscopy practice test
mcat_physical-spectroscopyInfrared (ir) spectroscopy practice test
mcat_physical-infrared-ir-spectroscopyGeneral chemistry practice test
mcat_physical-zgeneral-chemistryAcid-base chemistry practice test
mcat_physical-acid-base-chemistryAcids and bases practice test
mcat_physical-acids-and-basesBuffers practice test
mcat_physical-buffersDefining/classifying acids and bases practice test
mcat_physical-defining-classifying-acids-and-basesPh practice test
mcat_physical-phReactions and titrations practice test
mcat_physical-reactions-and-titrationsAcid-base equilibrium practice test
mcat_physical-acid-base-equilibriumAcid-base reactions practice test
mcat_physical-acid-base-reactionsHenderson-hasselbalch equation practice test
mcat_physical-henderson-hasselbalch-equationTitration curves practice test
mcat_physical-titration-curvesTitration procedure and indicators practice test
mcat_physical-titration-procedure-and-indicatorsAtoms, elements, and the periodic table practice test
mcat_physical-atoms-elements-and-the-periodic-tableIons and isotopes practice test
mcat_physical-ions-and-isotopesPeriodic table groupings practice test
mcat_physical-periodic-table-groupingsPeriodic trends practice test
mcat_physical-periodic-trendsSubatomic particles and elemental properties practice test
mcat_physical-subatomic-particles-and-elemental-propertiesCompounds, molecules, and bonds practice test
mcat_physical-compounds-molecules-and-bondsCovalent bonds practice test
mcat_physical-covalent-bondsIntermolecular forces practice test
mcat_physical-intermolecular-forcesIonic bonds practice test
mcat_physical-ionic-bondsLewis dot structures practice test
mcat_physical-lewis-dot-structuresVsepr geometry practice test
mcat_physical-vsepr-geometryEquilibrium practice test
mcat_physical-equilibriumEquilibrium constant and reaction quotient practice test
mcat_physical-equilibrium-constant-and-reaction-quotientLe chatelier's principle and common ion effect practice test
mcat_physical-le-chatelier-s-principle-and-common-ion-effectNuclear chemistry and electrons practice test
mcat_physical-nuclear-chemistry-and-electronsAtomic nucleus practice test
mcat_physical-atomic-nucleusElectron configuration practice test
mcat_physical-electron-configurationOrbitals and hybridization practice test
mcat_physical-orbitals-and-hybridizationOther principles governing electrons practice test
mcat_physical-other-principles-governing-electronsQuantum numbers practice test
mcat_physical-quantum-numbersRadioactive decay practice test
mcat_physical-radioactive-decayOxidation-reduction practice test
mcat_physical-oxidation-reductionGeneral principles of oxidation-reduction practice test
mcat_physical-general-principles-of-oxidation-reductionHalf reactions and balancing equations practice test
mcat_physical-half-reactions-and-balancing-equationsOxidation number practice test
mcat_physical-oxidation-numberReduction potentials practice test
mcat_physical-reduction-potentialsSolution chemistry practice test
mcat_physical-solution-chemistryColligative properties practice test
mcat_physical-colligative-propertiesBoiling point practice test
mcat_physical-boiling-pointFreezing point practice test
mcat_physical-freezing-pointVapor pressure practice test
mcat_physical-vapor-pressureSolubility and ions practice test
mcat_physical-solubility-and-ionsConcentration, dilution, and units practice test
mcat_physical-concentration-dilution-and-unitsIons in solution practice test
mcat_physical-ions-in-solutionSolubility and solution equilibrium practice test
mcat_physical-solubility-and-solution-equilibriumSolubility rules practice test
mcat_physical-solubility-rulesStoichiometry and analytical chemistry practice test
mcat_physical-stoichiometry-and-analytical-chemistryMolecular weight, molecular formula, and moles practice test
mcat_physical-molecular-weight-molecular-formula-and-molesReaction calculations and limiting reagent practice test
mcat_physical-reaction-calculations-and-limiting-reagentUnits and unit conversion practice test
mcat_physical-units-and-unit-conversionPhysics practice test
mcat_physical-zphysicsElectricity and magnetism practice test
mcat_physical-electricity-and-magnetismCircuits practice test
mcat_physical-circuitsCapacitors and dielectrics practice test
mcat_physical-capacitors-and-dielectricsCurrent practice test
mcat_physical-currentOhm's law practice test
mcat_physical-ohm-s-lawResistivity practice test
mcat_physical-resistivityResistors and resistance practice test
mcat_physical-resistors-and-resistanceVoltage, energy, and power practice test
mcat_physical-voltage-energy-and-powerElectrostatics and electrical fields practice test
mcat_physical-electrostatics-and-electrical-fieldsCharge and electric force practice test
mcat_physical-charge-and-electric-forceElectric fields practice test
mcat_physical-electric-fieldsElectric potential energy practice test
mcat_physical-electric-potential-energyElectrostatics practice test
mcat_physical-electrostaticsOther electrical principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-electrical-principlesMagnetism and electromagnetism practice test
mcat_physical-magnetism-and-electromagnetismInduction practice test
mcat_physical-inductionMagnetic fields practice test
mcat_physical-magnetic-fieldsMagnetic forces and energy practice test
mcat_physical-magnetic-forces-and-energyRight hand rules practice test
mcat_physical-right-hand-rulesFluids and gases practice test
mcat_physical-fluids-and-gasesFlow practice test
mcat_physical-flowBernoulli's equation practice test
mcat_physical-bernoulli-s-equationContinuity equation practice test
mcat_physical-continuity-equationOther flow principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-flow-principlesPoiseuille flow and turbulence practice test
mcat_physical-poiseuille-flow-and-turbulenceViscosity practice test
mcat_physical-viscosityGases practice test
mcat_physical-gasesGas laws practice test
mcat_physical-gas-lawsKinetic molecular theory practice test
mcat_physical-kinetic-molecular-theoryOther gas principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-gas-principlesPartial pressure practice test
mcat_physical-partial-pressureReal gases and ideal gases practice test
mcat_physical-real-gases-and-ideal-gasesUsing molar volume practice test
mcat_physical-using-molar-volumeSubmersion practice test
mcat_physical-submersionBuoyancy and displacement practice test
mcat_physical-buoyancy-and-displacementDensity practice test
mcat_physical-densityOther fluid principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-fluid-principlesPressure practice test
mcat_physical-pressureNewtonian mechanics and motion practice test
mcat_physical-newtonian-mechanics-and-motionForces practice test
mcat_physical-forcesForce equilibrium practice test
mcat_physical-force-equilibriumFriction and normal force practice test
mcat_physical-friction-and-normal-forceGravity and weight practice test
mcat_physical-gravity-and-weightNewton's second law practice test
mcat_physical-newton-s-second-lawOther forces practice test
mcat_physical-other-forcesUniversal gravitation practice test
mcat_physical-universal-gravitationGeneral principles practice test
mcat_physical-general-principlesDisplacement, velocity, and acceleration practice test
mcat_physical-displacement-velocity-and-accelerationNewton's laws practice test
mcat_physical-newton-s-lawsScalar and vector quantities practice test
mcat_physical-scalar-and-vector-quantitiesRotational, circular, and harmonic motion practice test
mcat_physical-rotational-circular-and-harmonic-motionCentripetal force and acceleration practice test
mcat_physical-centripetal-force-and-accelerationOther harmonic motion principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-harmonic-motion-principlesOther rotational motion principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-rotational-motion-principlesPendulums practice test
mcat_physical-pendulumsPeriod, wavelength, and frequency practice test
mcat_physical-period-wavelength-and-frequencySprings and harmonics practice test
mcat_physical-springs-and-harmonicsTorque practice test
mcat_physical-torqueTranslational motion practice test
mcat_physical-translational-motionMomentum practice test
mcat_physical-momentumMotion in one dimension practice test
mcat_physical-motion-in-one-dimensionMotion in two dimensions practice test
mcat_physical-motion-in-two-dimensionsWork, energy, and power practice test
mcat_physical-work-energy-and-powerConservation of energy practice test
mcat_physical-conservation-of-energyKinetic energy practice test
mcat_physical-kinetic-energyPotential energy (gravitational and spring) practice test
mcat_physical-potential-energy-gravitational-and-springPower practice test
mcat_physical-powerWork practice test
mcat_physical-workOptics practice test
mcat_physical-opticsGeneral principles and properties practice test
mcat_physical-general-principles-and-propertiesReflection and refraction practice test
mcat_physical-reflection-and-refractionSnell's law practice test
mcat_physical-snell-s-lawTotal internal reflection practice test
mcat_physical-total-internal-reflectionVelocity and index of refraction practice test
mcat_physical-velocity-and-index-of-refractionMirrors and lenses practice test
mcat_physical-mirrors-and-lensesCombining lenses practice test
mcat_physical-combining-lensesFocal length practice test
mcat_physical-focal-lengthMagnification practice test
mcat_physical-magnificationOther lens and mirror principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-lens-and-mirror-principlesThin lens equation practice test
mcat_physical-thin-lens-equationTypes of image practice test
mcat_physical-types-of-imageWaves practice test
mcat_physical-wavesGeneral principles and properties practice test
mcat_physical-general-principles-and-propertiesLongitudinal and transverse waves practice test
mcat_physical-longitudinal-and-transverse-wavesOther wave properties practice test
mcat_physical-other-wave-propertiesVelocity and waves practice test
mcat_physical-velocity-and-wavesWavelength, frequency, and period practice test
mcat_physical-wavelength-frequency-and-periodLight practice test
mcat_physical-lightElectromagnetic spectrum practice test
mcat_physical-electromagnetic-spectrumInterference and diffraction practice test
mcat_physical-interference-and-diffractionOther light principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-light-principlesPhotons and photon energy practice test
mcat_physical-photons-and-photon-energyPolarization practice test
mcat_physical-polarizationSound practice test
mcat_physical-soundDoppler effect practice test
mcat_physical-doppler-effectHarmonics practice test
mcat_physical-harmonicsIntensity and decibels practice test
mcat_physical-intensity-and-decibelsOther sound principles practice test
mcat_physical-other-sound-principlesAll MCAT Physical Resources
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All MCAT Physical Resources