Award-Winning Russian Courses & Classes in Portland, OR

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Students learning the Russian language can get help from Portland Russian courses provided by Varsity Tutors. We can help you keep your language learning momentum going forward. We offer live, online classes that can give you extra help as you work on pronunciation, vocabulary, or other facets of the Russian language.

Russian is a Slavic language that has approximately 265 million speakers, including around 150 million whose native tongue is Russian. Other Slavic languages include Polish, Slovenian, Czech, and more. Russian is the official language of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan, as well as being one of the official languages of the United Nations. It's a good language to study whether for academic, business, or personal reasons.

What specifically will I learn in a Portland Russian course?

There are many facets to the Russian language, and when you're studying it, it's important to learn parts of all of them at once. This means that as you build your basic vocabulary, you should also be using Russian in role plays, learning grammar rules, and at the same time finding out about the rich Russian history and culture that the language came from.

If that sounds overwhelming, there's no need to be concerned. When you enroll in a Portland Russian course, your professional instructor can take care of setting the schedule of what to learn and when. You can focus on doing the learning while your instructor does all the work of designing the lessons.

There are some details that your class will likely focus on because they're where Russian is most different from English. This will probably start with the alphabet. Russian uses a 32-letter Cyrillic alphabet, which looks quite different than the English alphabet. However, nearly all Russian words are sounded out just as they're written. That's one example of how Russian can be easier to learn than English.

Nouns in Russian are different than English nouns, as well. They have one of three genders: feminine, masculine, or neuter. Russian uses a "case" system in which nouns change their form and have different endings to demonstrate the role it plays in a sentence. This is similar to the way English uses word order.

Why is taking Portland Russian classes better than studying the language on my own?

If you're taking a Russian class to meet a language fulfillment at David Douglas or Lincoln High School, or even if you're studying it at the University of Portland, you can find plenty of benefits from working with others who are motivated to improve their command of the language. You can use the Portland Russian class as your main source of Russian study or as a supplement to your other language learning efforts.

Either way, one of the main advantages is that studying in a live, online classroom setting allows you to use language to communicate with others. You can work on some vocabulary memorization and grammar drills on your own, but the best way to learn any language, including Russian, is to speak it in actual conversations as much as possible, which you can't very well do on your own. Having access to a virtual classroom full of classmates who you can talk to during or even outside of class time may help you perfect your vocabulary, pronunciation, and speaking abilities quicker than you might have otherwise.

Having access to an expert instructor who has proven their credentials is an excellent benefit. They can explain concepts clearly and provide tips for memorization. The collaborative learning atmosphere can help deepen your understanding of concepts and learning methods. If you're having a hard time keeping up with your Portland Russian class in any area or areas, you can request one-on-one studying time with your instructor. Taking that extra time to focus on your greatest challenges could help you learn more efficiently. It's also a great way to get some extra Russian conversation practice.

Sounds great. How do I get started attending these Russian classes?

Getting the ball rolling on your Russian course is easier than you might think. All you need to do is contact Varsity Tutors today and talk to our educational consultants about your language learning goals, your schedule, and your current level of fluency. This information helps them get you enrolled in a Portland Russian course that meets your unique set of circumstances. Contact Varsity Tutors now, and we can get you started soon. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you as you work your way towards proficiency in the Russian language.

Contact us today to connect with a top Portland Russian instructor