1st Grade Science : Investigate how vibrating material makes sound

Study concepts, example questions & explanations for 1st Grade Science

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

Pat's class is given an empty metal can with plastic wrap stretched across the top secured with a rubber band. His teacher sprinkles salt on the top of the plastic wrap. He is given a tuning fork and told to strike it on the desk and touch it to the side of the can. The rice starts to jump and he hears a sound. Why is this happening?

Possible Answers:

There is no relationship between the vibrations and sound.

The tuning fork is magic so it allows the rice to move and make sounds.

Vibrating materials (like the fork and can) make sounds and cause other vibrations.

Correct answer:

Vibrating materials (like the fork and can) make sounds and cause other vibrations.


The salt moved because of the vibrations of the tuning fork. When struck on the desk it begins vibrating which makes a quiet sound. When the tuning fork is placed against the can it gets louder because the can is also vibrating. This causes the rice to start "jumping" because it is also vibrating. Pat will hear the tuning fork, metal can, and the sound of the rice hitting the plastic wrap because of the vibrations.

Example Question #2 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

What does it mean if something vibrates?

Possible Answers:

It is a type of dance move

It moves quickly back-and-forth

It moves slowly one time

Correct answer:

It moves quickly back-and-forth


Vibrating means small, quick back-and-forth movements. When you pluck a rubber band, it vibrates, when we talk our vocal cords vibrate, everything vibrates when it makes sounds.

Example Question #3 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

A vibrating object can produce sound.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



This is a true statement. Vibrating materials do create sounds. If you think if the strings of a guitar, when strummed the strings vibrate and create the sounds. Sound comes from vibrations.

Example Question #4 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

What happens when materials vibrate?

Possible Answers:

Sound waves are created and move through the air.

Nothing happens when materials vibrate.

Ocean waves are created and move through the air.

Correct answer:

Sound waves are created and move through the air.


When a material vibrates sound waves are produced and travel through the air. Without vibrations, there would be no sound.

Example Question #5 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

Ms. Dube's class is experimenting with science today. At the Tuning Fork Station, students hit the tuning forks on the side of a cup. The vibration causes _________.

Possible Answers:

an earthquake


the cup to fall

Correct answer:



The vibration of the tuning fork causes sounds to be heard. When an object or material vibrates it creates sound waves. Those waves travel through the air and our ears receive and process the noises.

Example Question #1 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

How does hitting a drum produce sound?

Possible Answers:

The drum has speakers and a radio attached.

The drum and air vibrate.

The drum does not produce sound.

Correct answer:

The drum and air vibrate.


A drum produces sound when it is struck with a hand or object because the skin or outer covering vibrates. The air vibrates and sound waves move through the air producing the banging noises we hear with drums.

Example Question #2 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

Students place their hands on the front of their throat. The teacher asks them to hum softly and write down what they feel. The teacher asks them to hum louder and write down what they feel. The teacher asks them to be silent and write down what they feel.

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Why was there no humming sound when there was no vibration?

Possible Answers:

There is no way to tell why there was no humming.

The material must vibrate to make a sound.

The student was not trying hard enough.

Correct answer:

The material must vibrate to make a sound.


When materials (including our vocal cords) vibrate, a sound is produced. When the students hum, there is a vibration; when there is no sound, there is no vibration. For sound waves to be produced, the material has to vibrate.

Example Question #201 : 1st Grade Science

Students are told to make sounds in class. They stomp their feet, whistle, clap, and snap their fingers.

What do all these sounds have in common?

Possible Answers:

The students are still before or during the sound.

Something is moving before or during the sound.

The students are having fun making the sounds.

Correct answer:

Something is moving before or during the sound.


All of these sounds have movement in common. Something is moving before or during the sound so cause it to happen. Vibrations from clapping or whistling create the sound waves that carry the noise we hear to our ears.

Example Question #3 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

Place a ruler on the edge of a desk, so that eight inches of it hangs over the side. Place one hand on the four inches that remain on the desk to hold the ruler securely. With your other hand, whack the end of the ruler that is hanging off of the desk. The ruler will vibrate up and down.

What will be produced because of the vibrations?

Possible Answers:

Strong winds will be produced.

Nothing will be produced.

A sound will be produced.

Correct answer:

A sound will be produced.


Sounds will be produced because of the vibrations from the ruler. When the ruler is whacked and vibrates up and down, sound waves are created, and noise will be heard.

Example Question #10 : Investigate How Vibrating Material Makes Sound

What is the definition of sound?

Possible Answers:

What you hear when vibrations happen and sound waves travel to your ear

What you taste when you eat something sweet or sour

What you see when your eyes focus on a picture or image

Correct answer:

What you hear when vibrations happen and sound waves travel to your ear


Sound is what you hear when vibrations create sound waves and they travel to your ear to be processed. When vibrations happen sound is created.

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