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Question of the Day: Ancient History: Greece

The Golden Age of Greece was a time of advancements in art and architecture. Pericles goal was to have Athenian artists and architects create magnificent sculptures and buildings to bring glory to Athens. The various examples of Athenian art set the standard for artists of the future. At the center of Pericles plans was the Parthenon. The Parthenon was a masterpiece of Athenian architectural design and craftsmanship. The Parthenon was a temple built by the architects Iktinos, Kallikrates and possibly Karpion, to honor Athena, the goddess of wisdom and patroness of Athens. The temple was built in the Doric style occupying 23,000 square feet of the city. The main purpose of the Parthenon was to house the 30 foot gold and ivory sculpture of Athena carved by Pheidias. Greek sculptors created figures that were graceful, strong and perfectly formed with faces expressing serenity. Their aim was to capture an idealized human body in motion. 

Athenian artists framed their works in ideal beauty not realism. This attention to harmony, order, balance and proportion became the standard for what art form?

Abstract Art

Modern Art

Cave painting

Classical Art

Decorative Art

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