Award-Winning Korean Lessons in Salt Lake City, UT

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Whether you're trying to find a Salt Lake City Korean tutor or an online class to help you pursue your language-learning goals, Varsity Tutors is the only resource you need. Korean is spoken by roughly 75 million people worldwide, largely in South Korea and North Korea, but also in countries like Russia, Japan, the U.S., and China. Korean is a language isolate, meaning that it has no obvious connection to any particular language group.

There are many reasons why Salt Lake City Korean lessons might make sense for you. Some local high schools such as West High School and Highland High School offer Korean as a foreign language, so you might need help with your coursework. Similarly, students at local colleges like the University of Utah might need to study Korean as part of their degree. You might also study Korean in preparation for a trip to Asia, to enhance your resume, or simply out of a love of learning new things. There's really no wrong reason to study a new language, especially if you trust us to find you a Salt Lake City Korean tutor or online class.

Working with a private instructor allows you to study at your own pace, as you never need to move on from a particular topic until you're ready to do so. Alternatively, studying in a classroom environment provides the structure that some students find helpful when pursuing success. Keep reading to learn more about both of these great options.

What can I go over during Salt Lake City Korean lessons?

If you're serious about improving your Korean skills, practice is absolutely vital. There's simply no other way to gain the requisite familiarity with Korean vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. Either of these Korean language learning services allows you to set aside some time each week to work with a knowledgeable Korean instructor who can give you an idea of what Korean is supposed to sound like. Any questions you have can also be addressed promptly, allowing you to seek clarification before a misunderstanding spirals out of control.

Professional instruction can also help you work on your written Korean skills. Korean uses a combination of a phonetic alphabet and Chinese kanji (symbols that represent entire words), with no defined guidelines on when to use Chinese characters. Some writers avoid using Chinese completely, while others think it lends a more formal tone to documents. Your instructor can help you find a system that works for you.

Your instructor can also help you with the finer parts of Korean grammar. For example, Korean is an S-O-V language, which means that the proper sentence structure is subject-object-verb. This frequently sounds wrong to native English speakers, as you would never say "she the product purchased," but that's proper Korean. If you need help wrapping your head around all of the differences between English and Korean, your instructor can help you come up with a mnemonic device to make it easier.

What types of Salt Lake City Korean lessons do you offer?

As noted above, we can either enroll you in an online class or set you up with a private instructor online or in-person. If you choose to take a class, you'll study on our live virtual platform that facilitates real-time interactions with your teacher and your classmates. Listening to your classmates can give you experience with a variety of different accents and dialects, more accurately representing what visiting South Korea might sound like. Studying in a group setting also gives you more value for your money, as you can split the cost with everyone else in your class. If you feel that you really need individualized attention, you also have the chance to request private time with your instructor outside of normal class hours for extra help.

Of course, working with a private instructor is the best way to receive personalized attention. A tutor can design study sessions around your preferred learning style to optimize your efficiency. If you're a visual learner, your instructor can provide charts to help you picture how to conjugate Korean verbs. If you're more of a kinesthetic student, role-playing with your instructor in Korean can give you practical experience with real-world conversation topics.

We also try to make both of these products as convenient as possible. Our proprietary Live Learning Platform allows you to meet with a private instructor on your favorite device, taking the commute out of the equation entirely. If you would prefer to meet with your instructor in person, you may meet anywhere that works for you. Similarly, we start new online courses every month so that you never need to wait too long to get started.

Can I sign up for Salt Lake City Korean lessons today?

Sure. Just use the contact information provided below to speak with a knowledgeable Educational Consultant who can help you determine whether an online course or a private Salt Lake City Korean tutor make more sense for you. Varsity Tutors looks forward to hearing from you!

Contact us today to connect with a top Salt Lake City Korean instructor