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All SAT II Literature Resources
While many colleges don't require that you take SAT Subject tests, some colleges do require them for entrance into specific programs or to help them fit you with the right classes during your first year of studies. Whether the college or program you want to get into after high school requires that you take the test or not, taking the SAT II Literature exam is a great way to show what you have learned in your Literature classes and that you retained that information. When taking any important test that you want to score well on, test-preparation is very important. SAT II Literature review can help refresh your memory of important Literature concepts that you may have been taught years ago, and help you feel more confident when you sit down on test day.
The SAT II Literature test is based on English Literature, and you will be given one hour to complete it. Along with 60 questions written in multiple-choice style, you will also be presented with up to eight passages that you must read. You will then be questioned on the passages.
Varsity Tutors' Learning Tools offers a variety of SAT II Literature review tools that you can use to prepare for this important exam. One great tool you should take advantage of is the free flashcards online. The Learning Tools Flashcards for SAT II Literature offer you the ability to study when on-the-go or have a few extra minutes when you want to squeeze in some test-prep. The flashcards cover important concepts that you may encounter on your exam.
Among the many concepts covered in the SAT II Literature flashcards include inferences, character motivation, support and evidence, themes, form, grammar and syntax, figurative language, tone and mood, and much more. To make it easy for you to get some more study in on concepts you find most challenging, along with the full deck, the flashcards are also broken up into smaller sets that each quiz you on a specific Literature concept.
Along with the ready-made flashcards, Learning Tools also offers a unique flashcards maker. You use this tool to build your own deck of flashcards by entering in your own questions and answers or simply picking the ready-made flashcards you need to practice more and adding them to the deck.
To use the flashcards builder, you simply click on the “Create Tests & Flashcards” icon. You will then be guided through the process of creating your own deck of SAT II Literature study help flashcards. You first give your deck a name, so if you make multiple decks, it will be easy to know what type of questions you entered into each set. You then begin inputting your own questions and answers into the blank flashcards templates, adding ready-made cards to the deck, or both. You can then save the new deck and pull it up to study as often as you need on your computer, smartphone, or tablet, just as you can the ready-made flashcards.
If you are taking the SAT II Literature test, it is important to perform to the best of your ability on test day. Practice answering questions similar to the ones that may appear on your test and reviewing Literature concepts well before test day, so you can sit down for the test with confidence.
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