Award-Winning German Courses & Classes in Louisville, KY

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Whether you are a senior at Ballard High School who is studying German as a second language, or you're a Bellarmine University freshman who wants to learn it to help you get a competitive edge in a global market, Varsity Tutors can help you master this complex and guttural language with a Louisville German class. While German may seem markedly different than English in many ways, it actually shares its roots, as they are both from the Indo-German language family. A Louisville German course can help provide you with the necessary exposure to help you gain competence when learning their unique set of grammar rules.

German is a widespread and prolific language, and over 90 million people - spread across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland - are proud to call it their native tongue. While written German is fairly consistent across the various regions that use it, spoken German has several different dialects in use today. For instance, High German is mostly used in academia and literature and is typically the language that can be heard throughout the highlands of Germany. Low German, on the other hand, is the spoken language of the lowland area of northern Germany. Understanding these dialects, and the ability to tell them apart, can help you feel more secure in both your schoolwork and your career.

What kind of skills can I learn in a Louisville German course?

Fortunately, the German language already bears some resemblance to English, so training your ear to understand it can be somewhat easier than expected. However, it has some of its own quirks, which certainly can take some practice to fully grasp. For example, while English has only three noun cases (subjective, objective, and possessive), German has four noun cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, and dative). Not knowing these additional noun cases can lead to serious grammatical and communication errors, especially if this is your first introduction to them, but a Louisville German class can help you identify them better and feel more comfortable using them.

A Louisville German course can also help you learn the numerous rules about verb conjugation in this language. Furthermore, German also has singular and plural numbers for nouns, which are then designated by specific articles (such as "der" or "die"). This is not dissimilar to English, but it can still take time before you start to gain proficiency in this language. A Louisville German class can help you get the much-needed practice you need to help you learn it. By partaking in a live class, you can get real-time instruction and feedback from your teacher. You can also feel free to speak directly to your classmates while in class, which can also help you improve your German.

Learning German has a little bit of a learning curve, and you may find that it gets easier to comprehend over time. It's perfectly normal to struggle a little bit at first, though, especially when learning new vocabulary terms or conjugation rules. If you find that you need more time to go over things that were covered in your class, you can always request one-on-one time with your teacher. This can help you get the additional practice that you need to help you grow in your learning.

How can I get started with a Louisville German class?

Tedious commutes to a conventional brick-and-mortar classroom setting can be stressful and unpleasant. Our virtual platform cuts out this unwanted hindrance, as the class is entirely online. Instead of trying to juggle your work and personal life to squeeze in your language studies, you can instead get started on your language journey faster. Our Louisville German courses run at various times of the day, and on many different days of the week, which means that there are several convenient options from which you can choose. This can make scheduling your lessons much easier and enjoyable!

It can be challenging to learn a new language, especially if you've never been exposed to it before. With ample practice, though, you can start to grow more confident in your German language skills. Whether you are a Louisville Male High School student who wants learn German as his language requirement for graduation, or you're on track to get your undergraduate degree from Bellarmine University with a German language minor, a Louisville German course can help you get the practice you need. To learn more about what you can learn in Louisville German class, or to see how to get signed up, please give Varsity Tutors a call today!

Contact us today to connect with a top Louisville German instructor