Award-Winning German Courses & Classes in St. Louis, MO

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If you have been searching for German language help, you are in luck - Varsity Tutors can help you enroll in St. Louis German courses. There are more than 90 million native German speakers. German is the official language in German and Austria, and it is also one of the three official languages in Switzerland. It is a universal language that students take beginning in high school. Whether you are a freshman at Gateway High School who is taking German I or a senior at Washington University in St. Louis fulfilling language requirements for graduation, there is help available for you. If you need help with pronunciation and noun inflection, we have you covered.

What are some perks of enrolling in St. Louis German courses?

A St. Louis German class is taught in an entirely virtual classroom that is led by an expert German instructor. You can see and interact with your instructor and peers just as if you were in the room with them. You can engage in German conversations and group activities without ever leaving your home. Working in groups has been shown to deepen understanding of the material and can help students become more fully prepared. Having easy access to a German discussion class on the internet is a great way to build your language skills quickly. Even if you already know the topic that is being covered at the moment, helping your peers who are struggling can strengthen your retention and understanding of the material. Additionally, depending on what level of German you are studying, your instructor may teach classes entirely in German because immersion is a powerful tool.

Of course, if you need extra help with a topic, you can also request one-on-one time with your German instructor. For instance, if you find yourself struggling to learn essential vocabulary, you can work privately with your instructor until you are confident in your skills. German courses are meant to give you many ways to succeed in your quest to learn the German language. Additionally, the professionals that teach our German courses have made it through a rigorous vetting and interviewing process, so you know you are learning from highly qualified individuals.

New classes start monthly, so no matter when you sign up, you can start a class relatively quickly. During enrollment, you will be able to choose from a 2-week or 4-week course, giving you even more control of your education. There are many time slots available, so if you are in need of an evening or night course, you can enroll in one of those as well. If your schedule only allows for you to add classes on a weekend, that's fine too. We offer classes almost every day for maximum convenience.

One of the biggest roadblocks in the way to language learning success is a lack of practice. When you attend German courses, you will have plenty of time to work with your instructor and peers. Even if you understand the material that is being covered, you can always get a refresher by helping your fellow students. You will have the chance to see the content through someone else's eyes, which can give you a different, unique perspective.

How do I enroll in one of these German courses?

Contact Varsity Tutors today to talk to a professional about signing up for a St. Louis German course. No matter how busy you are, you can find the time to fit one into your schedule. When you enroll in a class, you will gain access to the Live Learning Platform, a platform that allows you to attend class from wherever you have a stable internet connection. The platform also has features such as video chat and a virtual whiteboard that provide you with even more avenues of communication.

Learning any new language can be difficult, but with simulated immersion, repetition, and the help of an expert, you can make significant progress. Learning German requires you to create entirely new cognitive networks, so the best thing you can do is make sure you have the support you need to be as successful as possible. Whether you are a freshman in high school, a senior in college, or you are already fluent in the language and need a refresher, German courses can be a great way to study. Reach out to Varsity Tutors today to get started in St. Louis German courses.

We are looking forward to getting to know you and helping you reach for your German language goals.

Contact us today to connect with a top St. Louis German instructor