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Example Questions
Example Question #5 : Cultural Landscapes & Identity
Proponents of environmental determinism contend that __________.
cultural traits and societal traditions have a noticeable impact upon the condition of local environments
in the twentieth century American culture achieved a status of near uniform adoption throughout the vast majority of the world
eventually a sort of cultural homogeneity will exist throughout the vast majority of the world
cultural traits and societal traditions are primarily informed by environmental differences
European and America culture is causing a decay of local cultures throughout the world; to the overall detriment of humanity
cultural traits and societal traditions are primarily informed by environmental differences
“Environmental determinism” is a theory of cultural geography that was wildly popular during the age of European imperialism. Its proponents argue that cultural traits and societal traditions are primarily informed by environmental differences between different regions.
Example Question #6 : Cultural Patterns & Processes
Which of these geographers is most closely associated with the idea of “cultural landscapes”?
Carl Sauer
James Gall
Arno Peters
George Perkins Marsh
Carl Sauer
The idea of “cultural landscapes” is most closely associated with the geographer Carl Sauer, who first defined them. Sauer argued that all regions of the Earth were impacted by human behavior and had been altered by human interaction, he also believed that cultural landscapes were the most important branch of geographic inquiry.
Example Question #7 : Cultural Patterns & Processes
What name is given to the system of inheritance whereby the eldest (usually male) child receives all of the family inheritance and property?
The term “primogeniture” refers to a system of inheritance whereby the eldest (usually male) child receives all of the family inheritance and property. It was commonly practiced throughout Europe until very recently, and has long been common in many other parts of the world as well.
Example Question #11 : Cultural Patterns & Processes
What is environmental determinism?
The idea that human behavior is controlled by environmental restrictions placed by various governing bodies.
The idea that physical environments are controlled by human behavior.
The idea that human behavior is controlled by physical environment.
The idea that human behavior and physical environments work together in a symbiotic relationship.
The idea that human behavior is controlled by socioemotional environment.
The idea that human behavior is controlled by physical environment.
Environmental determinism is the notion that our physical environment has a massive and often controlling effect on us. In essence, this theory believes that physical environments dictate much of our lives.
Example Question #511 : Ap Human Geography
What is the time distance decay?
The declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with increasing time and distance from its point of origin.
The declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with decreasing time and distance from its point of origin.
The amount of time needed for a cultural ideal to spread through a town.
As time increases, the distance betweens towns also increases.
The amount of distance needed for a cultural ideal to spread through a town.
The declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with increasing time and distance from its point of origin.
Time distance decay is defined as the declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with increasing time and distance from its point of origin. For example, a new law passed in California is more likely to be accepted in Oregon rather than Georgia. Additionally, this new law is more likely to be passed in other states soon after the initial passage in California, as opposed to years later.
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