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All SAT II US History Resources
Having great knowledge of US History when just graduating high school is something to be proud of, and taking the SAT II US History Subject Test is a great way to show that knowledge off to the colleges you hope to attend. Scoring well on this test can help you prove that you didn't just learn about US History in high school, but that you also retained that knowledge and didn't forget all of those important people and events as soon as you moved onto new classes. Begin preparing for the test now using the full suite of Varsity Tutors' Learning Tools.
One Learning Tool you should take advantage of is the set of SAT II US History flashcards. These free flashcards online offer an additional way to squeeze in some SAT II US History review when you don't have time to sit down and take a full practice test or are on-the-go. The flashcards can help refresh your memory of important US History information, including US Economic History, US Foreign Policy History, US Political History, US Cultural History, and US Social History.
You can practice the full deck of Learning Tools Flashcards for SAT II US History at once, or you can click on one of the smaller sets that are broken up by history concept and time period to hone in on specific areas of US History that you need to practice a bit more. You can access the SAT II US History study flashcards from your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
In addition to the ready-made flashcards Learning Tools offers, you can also take advantage of the free flashcards builder. This Learning Tool can be used to create your own flashcards that you can then save and pull up anytime you want to use them. You can access the flashcards maker by clicking on the “Create Tests & Flashcards” icon. You will then be given blank flashcards templates you can fill out with your own US History questions and answers. An alternate way you can use the flashcards creator is to simply pull the read-made flashcards you need to practice most into the deck. You can also mix it up and create decks with some of your own questions and some ready-made ones.
Along with preparing well for the test, knowing how the SAT II US History Subject Test is constructed can help you feel more confident when you sit down on test day. The test contains 90 multiple-choice questions, and you will be given one hour to complete it. The test will pose questions related to political history, economic history, social history, intellectual and cultural history, and foreign policy. The largest section will be based on political history, which makes up about one-third of the test, and the rest of the test questions are split up among the other topics.
Forty percent of the test will contain questions related to recent US History, specifically from 1899 until today. An additional 40 percent of the test will cover the time period of 1790 to 1898. The final 20 percent will quiz you on the time period from the Pre-Columbian era to 1789.
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